Other articles

Contribution to the report to the European Parliament authored by M. Ballesteros, R. Mehdi, M. Eliantonio, D. Petrovic, Tools for Ensuring Implementation and Application of EU Law and Evaluation of Their Effectiveness, Bruxelles, July 2013, 144 p. available at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2013/493014/IPOL-JURI_ET%282013%29493014_EN.pdf (visited on March 12th 2014)

Article reflecting the work of the workshop n° 1 for PhD candidates entitled « Les méthodes dans la construction de l’Espace européen de liberté, de sécurité et de justice », Toulouse, 4 et 5 juin 2009, Revue Lamy Droit des affaires, 2009, n° 43, pp. 56 ss., together with N. AZI, C. BILLET, Y. EL BOUSTANI, C. JOACHIM, S. STELZIG.

1st Expert Workshop in Research Ethics followed by Public Talk by Prof. E.J.Emanuel, together with Dr. D.M. Shaw and I. Otte, Workshop report published in August 2012 available at http://ibmb.unibas.ch/fileadmin/ibmb/redaktion/Event-Results/Workshop_Research_Ethics/Workshop_Report_Research_Ethics_final_version_August_2012.pdf
(last visited on September 14th, 2012)